Yesterday was 24 de Marzo, the 33rd anniversary of the golpe de estado in Argentina that started of a seven year brutal military dictatorship which is also called la Guerra Sucia. It is now a national holiday that serves to remember the estimated 30,000 people that were "disapeared" during the course of the dictatorship.
I believe there were about 10,000 people (thats the number according to the media) who gathered throughout the day in the Plaza de Mayo. This is a huge plaza in downtown that is right in front of the house of government (like the White House in the U.S.) as well as other official buildings. Over the past few years I've learned a lot about the military dictatorship in Argentina (as well as similar ones in other countries) and how truely horrible it was but I know that not living throughout it and not being Argentine myself means that I can't really understand it. Never the less, being there with all those people was such a powerful experience, unlike anything I've ever been though before.
The plaza was packed with people of all ages and backgrounds (mostly). It was full of banners and signs for different parties and organizations. People were chanting, giving speaches, marching . . . I don't thing I've ever seen so many people gathered together like that before. Its hard to explain just how it felt but it was powerful, moving and overwhelming. It was also interesting because I've seen so many pictures and videos of Plaza de Mayo packed with people protesting, celebrating and mourning and to actually be there and experience it in person was incredible.
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